One conference.
4000+ educators.
Endless possibilities!
It's amazing to me that one event every year serves as a major boost to the teaching fuel tank of all who attend. The MACUL 2013 conference was highlighted by ideas that we should all be better about telling our own story, connecting with students, and moving past the assessment-based field that we are currently running in. In other words, get back to teaching the way we know works and don't mind if someone calls your crazy!
Kevin Honeycutt always has an inspirational message to share. His message of finding a connection to each student is one that we as educators can't hear enough times. Every time I see him, I have the first three notes of "Smoke on the Water" come into my head. Thanks to his YouTube video, I can now play the opening frame of that song on GarageBand as well as others. Here it is so you can learn as well:
The other speaker that really struck a chord with me (pun intended) was Steve Dembo. His message this year was to use the power of social networking to tell your own story, and to not be afraid of being called crazy. He reminded us that there is a fine line between crazy and innovator and it is our job to push the boundaries to help our students learn! As a conference, we caught onto the latest craze on the net. With over 13.3 million copycats created, the Harlem Shake has revolutionized the social media world since February. Steve thought that we ought to jump on the band wagon and the result is below:
MACUL 2013 was amazing, and I can't wait to see the implications of the messages as the school year finishes.
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