Friday, April 26, 2013

Digital Citizenship Favorites: Stop that Post

Having taught digital citizenship to students for about 3 years now, I find that the resources that I use are usually centered around a few high quality websites.  One of those websites that I have found myself using frequently is  The creators of this site have done a great job producing content that is relevant to the needs of students, and have taken the step to gamify their content to convey their message.

Two of the games that my students enjoy greatly is "Stop That Post", and the sequel "Stop That Post...Again."  These games focus on a character trying to stop family members from making embarrassing posts on the internet that they will regret later.  The situations that the games present are humorous and reality at the same time.  When I check in with my students, they are quick to tell me the lessons that they are learning from these games, and how addicting they are.

If you need a different way to approach the idea of a Digital Footprint, these two games are worth a try!
